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Terms & Conditions

With in respect to the services of social mosquitoes, clients shall have to stand by the terms & conditions apply. Social aims to the take care the needs of the customer on the services that includes Website development, SEO, Social media marketing, Visual productions, Celebrity marketing, Influencer marketing, E-com solutions , Branding and graphic Design and Digital solutions .No shall such other services will be entertained by us to the clients expect the ones that are mentioned above. Furthermore, to work with social client must have to accept all the terms and conditions mentioned below that client must have to follow.

  1. Written Consent
  • A written document have to sign by the client that states that” I [name] shall understand and agreed the terms & conditions, give my consent that after signing the contract i cannot reside or steep aback until& unless in the case of emergency” This written consent is very important which client have to sign, this contract helps in building a mutual trust between the client and social for better communications and business.
  • Also to be concisely clear, while signing this sign client must know this shared venture cannot be impacted by any third party
  • If any unconvinced caused from client side, then company hold no such compensation for the services that we charge.


  1. Authorizing Rights
  • Brief about client information like name, age, occupation and educational background, every professional information client have to provide, and client should not have such illegal allegations.
  • Rather than this client information, company should  be given  the website, emails and contact number in according to the need of services that client choose, all this information will be kept confidential by the company and it’s our responsibility to keep our client private information to the company only.
  • But the data which is being shared on online to us will be safe from thefts and frauds such ensured security cannot provide by company. However will take possible precautions to maintain the client security of information over online.
  • If website development services is opted by the client, the presence of cookies will be there to monitor the performance or activity people doing while interacting with the website


  1. Client Responsibilities
  • Accept from the services that promised by the company, client also have responsibility to provide the materials and things required by the company for the commencement of the services.
  • Also, to mention the required data or materials have to be provide on the time to avoid delays in the work.
  1. Duration
  • Fixed date and time will be given by us to complete the task, mostly company takes 10-12 days of working to complete the assignment, but it is also dependent on the type of services asked for. Like if client opt for website development then it will take around 20 days to complete.
  • So, client should rest assured about the work, it is being provided in fixed  date and time stated by the company


  1. Privation
  • Now, any loss or mislaying happens by the client on this business, company doesn’t owe any responsibility for the loss caused. Company headache is just limited to the services being provide to the client, and that will be provide by the company within the date and time provided .
  • In this whole business if any such information client failed to provide, leading to the incompetence of the services then is must be known by the client that charges have to paid for that services that is being chosen.
  • If by chance any emergency arises, company will negotiate on that but client have to provide the solid proofs for such accidents, and then only the  contract could be diminished, any advance payment if done from client side then half of that will be paid.


  1. Payments
  • Charges for each service differ so the payments have to done by the client according to the services they are opting.
  • Half of the payment i.e. 50% amount of the payment have to paid in advance, or before the starting of the work. After all the work is done rest of the payment should be done in the next 10 working of days.

Also, if any services we failed to provide the amount being paid in advanced that amount return back by the company in next 15 days.